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A Date with

The African National Congress



💃 Let's dance through history: I was born in 1912 and played a massive role in the battle against Apartheid. Talk about being an anti-oppression trailblazer! Since 1994, I've been strutting my stuff in the government, championing economic transformation and reducing inequality.

A non-negotiable ...

💖 My ideology is all about social democracy and African Nationalism. If you're into building a society that's both fair and proud of its African heritage, we're going to hit it off!

Words I live by ...

🌍 My slogan? "South Africa's National Liberation Movement." Yep, I've got a knack for freedom and breaking down barriers. 😎

In a few years, I want ... 

🎯 My mission is all about creating a united, non-racial, non-sexist, and democratic society. If you're on board with equality, justice, and kicking discrimination to the curb, we're already soulmates.

4 things I can't live without ...

💪 I live by some core principles: Democracy (I'm all about giving everyone a voice), non-racialism (love knows no color, right?), social justice (fighting for the underdogs), and solidarity (standing together through thick and thin).

A person I trust ...

👑 Leading the pack is my charismatic leader, Cyril Ramaphosa. Trust me, he's got that smooth-talking charm and the vision to make things happen.

4 things I can offer you ...

🎉 Oh, and let's not forget my signature policies, the ones that make me truly stand out:

1️⃣ Black Economic Empowerment (BEE): I'm all about giving black South Africans a chance to shine! With preferential procurement policies, employment equity, and ownership, we're boosting participation and breaking those glass ceilings.

2️⃣ National Health Insurance: Imagine a healthcare system where everyone gets the care they need! That's what I'm aiming for with a universal, publicly funded healthcare system. No more worries about medical bills, my friend!

3️⃣ Land reform: Shake things up! I'm all for expropriating land without compensation and making sure everyone gets their fair share. Plus, let's talk about tenure reform and expanding social grants—helping those in need is my jam!

4️⃣ Education for all: School's cool! I believe in free universal primary and secondary education. And guess what? Poor and working-class folks can also enjoy free tertiary education. Knowledge shouldn't have a price tag, after all!

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